Found in 2006 with a group of experienced IT Infrastructure persons, the company has grown to 15 people in 2022.
Our mission is to bring Enterprise IT Infrastructure together with worldclass IT management process framework ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) because we know that best Hardware and Software can fail miserably with novice unexperienced in the Enterprise IT field.
We continuously raise the level of the support in both technical and operation areas. In term of technical, our staffs are certifed with most of industrial defacto certications. In term of operation, our staffs are also trainned with ITIL 2.0 framework.
If you are setting up a new Plant in EEC Rayong Chonburi, we can support you to find the most fit local ISP, Telco companies, Servers, Networks and Workstation providers.
We coordinate with all the local IT infrastructure authority, Incumbent, and Service providers to ensure that you have the successful IT setup for your new Plant.
If you are established plants in EEC Rayong Chonburi, ITPattana has the team to provide you at every aspects from Helpdesk, Computer network troubleshooting, IT system administration, Hardware and Network installation.
Sakul Tunboonek
Corp IT Mgnt
Artpimon Immsoontronraksa
IT Manager
Paisith Navinudomsap
Senior System Administrator
Suwanna Muraki
Sales Executive
Peerapol Kankaeg
Field Support Engineer
Weerayut Kamchana
Field Support Engineer
Thanpongpat Waphet
Field Support Engineer
Pratchaya Supasilp
Field Support Engineer